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In order to continue you must read and accept our Terms and Conditions

In order to provide the service you are requesting, we need to use the information we will ask you to provide to:

  • Make available the appropriate appointment, and to reschedule if necessary
  • Provide you with clinical care when you visit our service
  • Contact you about abnormal results, or reminders to re-attend

Your information is stored securely on our patient record systems and will be deleted once it is no longer needed, in line with our retention periods. It will only be accessed by employees of Homerton University Hospital to provide you with the care that you need. Your information is not visible to your general practice, and we seek your permission to share your details when this is needed. You can find out more about our data management and processing, access a copy of any information we hold about you, or get a copy of our policies and other information governance documents by contacting the hospital's information governance department huh-tr.ig@nhs.net